<aside> <img src="/icons/help-alternate_gray.svg" alt="/icons/help-alternate_gray.svg" width="40px" /> Collection of drafts to exploring different ways of looking at and thinking about Large Language Models. Unless otherwise noted, all written by Dominik Lukeš.

A companion to more practical guides on OLD Integrating AI into Academic Practice: Guide to Reflective Exploration


Thinking drafts

Semantic Machines: A quick introduction to thinking about generative AI [DRAFT]

How does ChatGPT read your text: RAG and Context Window

What does it mean for an AI model to be trained? Five frequently confused uses of “training”

LLMs, Attention and Working Memory

Towards a periodicization of AI history

How do LLMs know the meaning of words: Exploring the limits of purely relational semantics

Guides and frameworks

AI Competence Framework and Task Evaluation Cards

Other resources

Weird Semantics: What are Large Language Models Actually Models Of?

Dominik’s AI Hackathon Ideas

<aside> <img src="/icons/paste_gray.svg" alt="/icons/paste_gray.svg" width="40px" /> All resources on this site are under CC BY.
